1. Introduction
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2. IF function
The IF function is a logical function in Excel that allows you to perform different actions based on a specific condition. It evaluates a given condition and returns one value if the condition is true, and another value if the condition is false.
3. SUMIF function
The SUMIF function is a built-in function in Excel that allows you to sum values in a range based on a given criteria. It adds up all the values in a specified range that meet a specified condition.
4. COUNTIF function
The COUNTIF function is a formula in Excel that allows you to count the number of cells in a range that meet a specific criteria. It counts the number of cells that meet a given condition and returns the count as the result.
5. AVERAGEIF function
The AVERAGEIF function is a built-in formula in Excel that allows you to calculate the average of a range of cells based on a specified condition. It calculates the average of the cells that meet a given criteria and returns the result.
6. AND function
The AND function is a logical function in Excel that allows you to check if all of a given set of conditions are met. It returns TRUE if all conditions are true and FALSE if any of the conditions are false.
7. OR function
The OR function is a logical function in Excel that allows you to check if any of a given set of conditions are met. It returns TRUE if at least one condition is true and FALSE if all of the conditions are false.
8. NOT function
The NOT function is a logical function in Excel that allows you to reverse the logical value of a given condition. It returns TRUE if the given condition is false and FALSE if the given condition is true.
9. IFERROR function
The IFERROR function is a logical function in Excel that allows you to handle errors in a formula or calculation. It returns a specified value if the formula or calculation returns an error, and returns the actual result if there is no error.
10. CHOOSE function
The CHOOSE function is a lookup function in Excel that allows you to select a value from a list using a specified index number. It takes multiple arguments and returns the value at the specified position in the list. This function is commonly used to create dynamic formulas and perform calculations based on user-selected options.